Journal of Psychology and Clinical Psychiatry

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The potential effects of relevant symptoms perceived by athletes and coping strategies
The current study aimed to underline the relevant symptoms perceived by athletes as well at examining the coping strategies which help them improve their performance in competitive sport events.
Viktor Frankl: A Psychiatrist’s View on How to Find Meaning in Suffering by Timothy K Lent in Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry
Discontinuation of Opiate Treatment: A Retrospective Review of 49 Patients by Alen J Salerian in Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry
MMPI-2 Clinical Scale 6 (Paranoia) and Restructured Clinical Scale 6 (Ideas of Persecution) in Child Custody Litigants by Robert Semel in Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry
Deployment Limiting Mental Health Conditions in US Military Personnel Deployed to Combat Theaters: Predictors of Theater Mental Health Evacuation by Eve Weber in Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry
Effects of Five-Minute Mindfulness Meditation on Mental Health Care Professionals
Effects of Five-Minute Mindfulness Meditation on Mental Health Care Professionals by Amy G Lam in Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry
Results of Operation the Online Medical Care System in High Schools
Results of Operation the Online Medical Care System in High Schools by Mahsa Houshdar in Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry
Realistic Attitudes and Disability
Realistic Attitudes and Disability by Nassim Nouzad in Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry
Predictive Capacity of Self-Efficacy in Drug Dependence and Substance Abuse Treatment
Predictive Capacity of Self-Efficacy in Drug Dependence and Substance Abuse Treatment by Francisca Lopez Torrecillas in Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry
Make That Interaction Count!
Make That Interaction Count! by Samuel A Nigro in Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry
Impact of Religion/Spirituality on Health: What Are The Evidences?
Impact of Religion/Spirituality on Health: What Are The Evidences? by Hena Jawaid in Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry
Difficulty in Elaboration of Coping Strategy in Foreign Mother
Difficulty in Elaboration of Coping Strategy in Foreign Mother by Daniela Caprino in Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry
Self-Reported Psychopathological Symptoms in Young Females with Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser Syndrome and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Findings from a Cross-sectional Study
Self-Reported Psychopathological Symptoms in Young Females with Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser Syndrome and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Findings from a Cross-sectional Study by George Giannakopoulos in Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry
Positive Association Between Posterior Subgenual Cingulate and Pituitary Volumes in Psychotic Major Depression
Positive Association Between Posterior Subgenual Cingulate and Pituitary Volumes in Psychotic Major Depression by Konstantina Vassilopoulou in Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry