
39 Pins
DIY – wreath of flowers headband with ribbon rosette, bead rosette, and felt bow. Requires some needle and threading
DIY Pointed Petals Ribbon Flower DIY Pointed Petals Ribbon Flower
DIY Pointed Petals Ribbon Flower DIY Pointed Petals Ribbon Flower by catrulz Visit,Like and Shop our Facebook page
Ribbon Rose Illustrated Tutorial: fold angles, pin, stitch perimeters, layer | I would heat seal the raw edges of the organdy ribbon to prevent fraying & sew a bling onto the flower center
DIY Layered Ribbon Flower DIY Layered Ribbon Flower
Woah! Silk ribbon embroidery tulips demonstrated - exquisite!!!! Would be esp. pretty done in over-dyed silk ribbon!
DIY Easy Fabric Roses | crafts
ARTE COM QUIANE - Paps e Moldes de Artesanato
ARTESANATO COM QUIANE - Paps,Moldes,E.V.A,Feltro,Costuras,Fofuchas 3D
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Rosa circular tejida y cosida