
95 Pins
Ez Battery Reconditioning
How to make a Li-Ion battery charger that can simultaneously charge four 18650 cells together. This charger is very simple to make and performs the work of a balanced charger by stopping the power to the individual cells after the battery gets charged completely.
ESP8266 Internet Clock With Weather Update & Many More (No RTC)
Make an #IoT clock that can be customized to display whatever you like! #ESP8266 #arduino #internetofthings #LED #matrix #display
Arduino Relay Tutorial
Arduino Relay Tutorial | Driving several types of relay board using any Arduino - CLICK HERE for Tutorial https://www.arduino-board.com/tutorials/relays
8-Bar plus 24-Ring equals NeoPixel Belt Buckle
Combine Neopixel addressable LEDs. This shows and 8xLED bar matched with a 24xRing to form a configuration perfect for a light-up belt buckle, scarves tie, hair décor or other illuminated jewelry
Exploring Arduino
Want to learn more about programming arduinos? http://arduinohq.com/category/arduino-programming-language/ - Exploring Arduino uses the popular Arduino microcontroller platform as an instrument to teach topics in electrical engineering, programming, and human-computer interaction
20 Unbelievable Arduino Projects
20 Unbelievable Arduino Projects - I love the Arduino system. The programming language is easy to learn.
Using LEDs with Arduino
Arduino LED Tutorial | Interfacing different types of light emitting diodes to the Arduino. CLICK HERE for Tutorial https://arduino-board.com/pages/tutorials
20 Unbelievable Arduino Projects
20 Unbelievable Arduino Projects - I love the Arduino system. The programming language is easy to learn.
10 Simple Arduino Projects For Beginners with Code
. http://tc.tradetracker.net/?c=21890&m=917205&a=277323&r=&u=
I made a UHF antenna for digital TV reception
Image result for homemade tv antenna