Paracord ideas

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This may contain: two hands are holding rope wrapped around a bag
How to Make a Knot for Tarps and Tent Covers
Overlap the ends of the lines you wish to connect. Take the end of the line on one side, loop it back and bring line through the loop, wrapping 3-8 times (depending on line type and strength) around both li Lubricate, and pull to tighten. Repeat with line on the other side. If tying mono-mono or fluoro-fluoro, ensure same number of wraps is used each side. If one line is braid, double the number of wraps on the braid side. Pull the standing lines of both knots in opposing directions to draw knots to one another, ensuring both are well lubricated. Pull to test and trim tag ends of both knots. - iFunny
Overlap the ends of the lines you wish to connect. Take the end of the line on one side, loop it back and bring line through the loop, wrapping 3-8 times (depending on line type and strength) around both li Lubricate, and pull to tighten. Repeat with line on the other side. If tying mono-mono or fluoro-fluoro, ensure same number of wraps is used each side. If one line is braid, double the number of wraps on the braid side. Pull the standing lines of both knots in opposing directions to draw knot
10 DIY-ideeën voor landschapsarchitectuur die er duur uitzien, maar u duizenden besparen
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Colorindo o mundo Pet! 🐾