Montessori tábor/kísérletek

43 Pins
 · Last updated 3y
a plastic bottle sitting on top of a wooden table next to a pair of scissors
Akarsz óriási szappanbuborékot? - A napfény illata
Házi buborékfújók - recepttel! A tökéletes szappanbuborék receptje: 2 liter oldathoz szükséges alapanyag: 3 gramm guargumi (webáruházakból lehet venni) egy kevés etil-alkohol, izopropil-alkohol vagy glicerin (gyógyszertárból) 2 dl Jar mosogatószer (nem Platinum) 18 dl víz 4 gramm sütőpor
three little pots with fake grass in them
Relive your childhood dreams and make your own chia pet!
...and live!: Relive your childhood dreams and make your own chia pet!
sand volcano is being poured into a bowl
Sand Volcano Experiment
Wow the kids this summer and make a sand volcano! A Fun science experiment for kids. #scienceexperimentskids #sandboxideas #sandvolcano #sandvolcanoprojectforkids #volcano #volcanoexperiment #howtomakeasandvolcano #growingajeweledrose
three brightly colored pinwheels sitting on top of each other
Szélforgó készítés - Manó kuckó
Szélforgó készítés - Manó kuckó
a small stuffed animal with grass on its head sitting in a plastic bowl next to some rocks
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grass head
three plants in vases with faces on them and one has grass growing out of it
Биоконструкторы: от травянчика до муравейника
Биоконструкторы: от травянчика до муравейника: letidor
there are many different pictures of children playing with toys and water bottles on the ground
How to Make Lava Lamp - DIY & Crafts - Handimania
How to Make Lava Lamp - DIY & Crafts - Handimania
salt water density experiment for kids to learn how to use salt water in science experiments
Salt Water Experiment | Ocean Science for Kids
This super easy salt water experiment is the perfect science activity to teach kids about the density of salt and fresh water. Great for an ocean unit!