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🥛✨ Creamy Delights: Elevate Your Taste Buds with Irresistible Milk-Based Recipes!
Indulge in the magic of milk with our delectable recipes that promise a symphony of flavors and textures. From velvety milkshakes to luscious desserts, discover a world of culinary wonders that revolve around the wholesome goodness of milk. Unleash your inner chef and treat yourself to a creamy adventure that's both delicious and nutritious! 🌟 #MilkRecipes #CreamyCreations #DairyDelights #MilkMagic #GourmetGoodies #YummyInMyTummy #FoodieFiesta #DivineDesserts #MilkshakeMania #CulinaryCraft
This may contain: someone is mixing something in a glass bowl on a wooden board with the words boneless chicken above it
Nuggets !
@kellie_atkinson (Instagram) Ingredientes: • 1 filé de peito de frango cru • 1 batata cozida (deixe ela esfriar totalmente, indico até deixar na geladeira por 1h, retire toda água). Dá para fazer com a batata crua também se preferir. • 1/2 cebola • 1 ovo • 1 colher de sopa e farinha de arroz ou aveia • Sal e pimenta a gosto. • Azeite para pincelar por cima (opcional) Preparo: • Bater tudo no processador, moldar e levar para assar na air fryer por volta de 15 min em 180 graus (pode fazer no forno também, fique de olho).
Crispy and Delicious Chicken Nuggets at Home
5min · 6 servings
Let’s make Veggie Latkes in the Waffle Iron
5min · 6 servings