Strairs, Passageways

29 Pins
Chateau du Loup
another abandoned chateau Treppen Stairs Escaleras repinned by #smgtreppen
‘Upstairs’ by Richard Shepherd
I love this photo of an abandoned building in England. Beautiful architecture and staircase!
Stunning entry - wish I lived in such beauty
Chateau Jbb
staircase inside the abandoned Chateau Jbb in France. (kleiner uRbEx hobbit, via Flickr).
Steampunk Tendencies
“Second Empire Home” The Historic Franklin W. Knox 1880 Italian Villa Style q in Coudersport, PA - Abandoned and reportedly haunted by a murder victim who is seen in windows at night. 1276
El maravilloso y fantasmal encanto de las mansiones abandonadas.
El maravilloso y fantasmal encanto de las mansiones abandonadas.