
9 Pins
Teen Bedding, Furniture & Decor for Teen Bedrooms & Dorm Rooms | Pottery Barn Teen
Hampton Loft Cushy Loveseat | PBteen (WANT ITTTTTTTT)
Mezzanine pour chambre côté rue. Rangement sous/dans escali
Mezzanine pour chambre côté rue. Rangement sous/dans escalier. Facile d'y intégrer bureau si besoin pour plus tard.
Mackenzie Hodge on Twitter
oh to have that many beds in one room... perfect sleepovers
Fuck Yeah Cozy Nooks
This is such a cool bed. Tons of room for storage and an extra bed for someone if needed. I love the stairs up to the top bed! If this was in my room I wouldn't be able to decide which bed to sleep on!