Reformkor (ca. 1830-1849)

32 Pins
Women's Fashion prints from the 1830s through 1850s
1850 Fashion | Fashions for January 1843
Winter fashions, 25 December 1843, French. Lots of ermine used here. Modes de Paris: Petit Courrier des Dames. From the Claremont Colleges Digital Library.
Kunstdrucke mit Mode- & Tracht-Motiv und Kupferstich-Technik | eBay
Tessa: Photos and Digital Collections
Casey Fashion Plates Detail | Los Angeles Public Library Magasin des Demoiselles Date: Friday, May 1, 1846
tenues d'amazone 1790- 1890 - Equitation monte en amazone
32 Redingotes were used alongside mantles and cloaks for everyday wear often because they were practical, utilitarian, unfussy and unnoticeable