
13 Pins
We Heart It
It's weird how a picture that presents so much cold on the outside, gives rise to such warmness inside
Winter Landscapes
Reminds me of my childhood winters...not enough quiet places to walk anymore.
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Halo And Snow Covered Trees, Fichtelberg, Ore Mountains, Saxony, Germany Print By Martin Ruegner
im-tha-queen: High Hopes In This Big Bad World | via Tumblr on We Heart It.
(image trouvée sur Pinterest) + O + - le blog du goumy
Lạnh nghìn năm lạnh thịt da Đêm đêm thức giấc chờ ta gặp mình Vui gì giọt nắng bình minh Vui gì chim hót vô tình mỉa mai ..... More
Wishing you a fabulous new year....
my scandinavian home: Wishing you a fabulous new year....
Christmas is coming ! - ladecodekatia
La pureté d'un blanc éclatant, aucune tâches sombre sur le tableau ni même a l'horizon.