
12 Pins
The Catacombs in Rome, loved visiting them but they're really, REALLY creepy and not as well lit as this photo makes out!
St. Athenogenes - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online
St. Athenogenes, Bishop and martyr, by burning with ten disciples at Sebaste. He is the author of the earliest known Christian hymn recorded outside of the Bible that is still in use today.
Catacombe di via Latina, Roma, gli affreschi del IV secolo. Una vera e propria "pinacoteca del IV secolo". Il cimitero è conosciuto anche col nome Ipogeo di via Dino Compagni
The Classical World
The Catacombs of Rome are ancient catacombs, underground burial places under Rome, Italy. WEEK 34
Under The Streets Of Naples, A Way Out For Local Kids
San Gennaro Catacombs, Naples Up to 40,000 visitors a year come through the catacombs, up from 5,000 before the restoration.
Experience The Historic Catacombs of Rome
Catacombs, Italy! Walked down the dimly lit corridors and passageways. Lots of torches on the walls. Amazing what there is to see underground- and sooooo much of it. Very cold as well.
Malta's Old Necropolis, St. Paul's Catacombs
Merlin and Rebecca: Malta's Old Necropolis, St. Paul's Catacombs
Underground Secrets: The Catacombs of Rome - KissFromItaly | Italy tours
Underground Secrets: The Catacombs of Rome, I have visited Calixto, an interesting visit, but a bit overwhelmed!!