
70 Pins
Free right-angle weave patterns by Kassie Shaw at Kassie has been prolific and has yet again, come up with a new pattern to share with us.
Tutorial Tuesday: String Art Embellishment
Etsy {NewYork} Street Team - Indie Artists, Artisans & Crafters of the NY Metro Region: Tutorial Tuesday: String Art Embellishment
Artes com linhas e pregos, alfinetes, cordas, agulhas........linhas coloridas
string art--A way to number & pin heads, cotton thread I've seen this on earrings...gonna have to try!
Spanish Knot Bracelet Tutorial
Learn to make your own stylish knotted leather bracelet with the free easy DIY…
Hullámos makramé karköt? készítése
Wave-making macramé bracelets. Free tutorial. Hit translation. This is so lovely when you see the finished piece.