
19 Pins
DIY smart mirrors are still irresistible, and this one has a touchscreen
Every few weeks a new homespun smart mirror pops up on Reddit. The formula is pretty staid by now: put an LCD and a Raspberry Pi behind a one-way mirror, and now you have a weather widget to look...
The home of good stories
A small overview of what Smart Mirrors are, how to build one and what we created at Novoda!
Magic Mirror / Hallway Dashboard (Full Build)
Magic Mirror - Imgur
Android Motion Sensing Smart Mirror
Picture of Android Motion Sensing Smart Mirror
How-to and DIY Guides for Makers, Programmers, and Everyone
This guide will show you how to make a smart, or "magic" mirror that runs on a Raspberry Pi.
Windows 10 Core IoT Magic Mirror
A simple solution for a Magic Mirror using only HTML and some Javascript. By Johannes Stecklein.
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HomeMirror/README.md at master · HannahMitt/HomeMirror · GitHub
How to Make a Magic Mirror
In this project I will show you how I made a Magic Mirror that shows the date, time, some news and a little phrase at the bottom. You will use a Raspberry Pi, a...
Microsoft's Official Guide for a DIY, Raspberry Pi-Powered Magic Mirror with Face Detection
Smart mirrors have been all the rage this year, and it looks like Microsoft’s getting into the game too. While Microsoft’s mirror is teased as a commercial product, they’ve released the source code if you’re interested in making one for yourself.