Mythology, gods, goddesses

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May 2013 – NLA Design and Visual Arts
African Moon Goddess – African Athena by Credo Vusamazulu Mutwa
Sphinx by GENZOMAN on DeviantArt
Sphinx by on @deviantART
Affichage d'un Dieu
Chalchihuitlicue Aztec goddess of love, beauty, youth, lakes, rivers, seas, streams, horizontal waters, storms, and baptism.
Greek gods and goddesses iii
PEITHO The goddess of persuasion and seductive speech. She was a handmaiden of Aphrodite and one of the Theoi Gamelioi (gods of marriage).
Zapotec jade and shells mask, ca. 200 BC - 100 AD, Monte Albán, Mexico. Photo Jorge Pérez de Lara