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16 Pins
Ich pflanze nicht in Reihen, sondern in Quadrate. Immer wenn ein Quadrat abgeerntet ist, wird es danach neu bepflanzt. Das ist wunderschön einfach, macht das P...
He Places A Plastic Tube In A Pot Of Dirt And When You See The Result. WOW! Try Not To Be Jealous.
The results are amazing!
Start A Fire
If you're looking to grow cucumbers in your home garden, here are some great tips for growing them successfully.
Want to add a garden but have limited space? This pyramid-shaped planter provides 36 linear feet of planting area, yet its base is compact enough to sit nicely on a deck or patio. Fill it with flowers, herbs or vegetables--its unique tiered design allows for easy access and lets light reach all of your plants.
Vertical Pyramid Garden Planter - DIY | iCreatived
Vertical Pyramid Garden Planter – DIY
Vertical Pyramid Garden Planter - DIY | iCreatived
Cost of shipping a dimensional object ~5m wide makes this something to make 'on site'. A roll bender, 2" steel pipe and 6" pvc pipe are the main materials. The larger the diameter the higher the yield in the area.
This should be in every kitchen. Backyard living / Geetered coffeeFIEND credit: (ref581210e2b7cf5031270d2c9f5562c55a)
Aquaponics boerderij
Aquaponics boerderij, Voor lokale vis en groente. In de Freezing Favela moet ook worden gegeten. Aquaponics is de beste manier om in de stad duurzaam voedsel te verbouwen. Planten en vissen worden samen gekweekt en helpen elkaar overleven.
Start A Fire
101 Gardening: The Garden Tower Project #Container_gardening
Want to build your own Hydroponic Strawberry Tower? Learn how to in this easy follow to guide, and grow plentiful amounts of your own organic strawberries all summer long!