
76 Pins
Drachenlaterne im Schmunzelmonster-Style selber basteln
Drachenlaterne basteln: Schwanz ankleben
Kinder-Event-Agentur Sabrina Grambow in Glinde- Kindergeburtstag
Kinder-Event-Agentur Sabrina Grambow in Glinde- Kindergeburtstag
Halloween Special - Color Your Own Witch Paper Doll - by Krokotak
Halloween Special - Color Your Own Witch Paper Doll - by Krokotak - == - Kids will love these funny Little Witches, to print, cut and color, by Krokotak, an educative Russian website.
SHAPES witch
Bruja hecha con figuras geométricas #edplástica // Shapes witch #halloween vía @krokotak
No-Glue Halloween Paper Toys For Kids - by Krokotak
No-Glue Halloween Paper Toys For Kids - by Krokotak == "We have a real passion for paper toys. Kids can color them in, cut them following a simple outline, fold them and assemble them. All very practical skills to master and they end up with a toy they can be proud of." - Krokotak