
16 Pins
Scoliosis: Classification, Types, Causes, Symptoms, Signs, Treatment, Brace, Surgery, Prognosis - Epainassist - Useful Information for Better Health
Scoliosis and its effects on your heart and lungs
Physiotherapy scoliosis-specific exercises – a comprehensive review of seven major schools - Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders
In recent decades, there has been a call for change among all stakeholders involved in scoliosis management. Parents of children with scoliosis have complained about the so-called “wait and see” approach that far too many doctors use when evaluating children’s scoliosis curves between 10° and 25°. Observation, Physiotherapy Scoliosis Specific Exercises (PSSE) and bracing for idiopathic scoliosis during growth are all therapeutic interventions accepted by the 2011 International Society on Scol...
Beckenschiefstand - Atlastherapie Atlaskorrektur
Beckenschiefstand:Ursachen & Therapie Möglichkeiten | Atlastherapie: Die Atlaskorrektur des Atlaswirbel im Atlasgelenk.
Ohh, what a great visual for showing what is happening with the spine in most couch seated situations!
3 Ways to Do Scoliosis Treatment Exercises - wikiHow
How to Do Scoliosis Treatment Exercises: 12 Steps (with Pictures)
Exercises for Scoliosis in Los Angeles, Orange County and San Jose CA
The Schroth Method - The Mother of All Scoliosis Exercise: Learn more about Schroth -
Schroth Best Practice Academy
Original Schroth exercises are content of the program as well.
Physiotherapy scoliosis-specific exercises – a comprehensive review of seven major schools - Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders
In recent decades, there has been a call for change among all stakeholders involved in scoliosis management. Parents of children with scoliosis have complained about the so-called “wait and see” approach that far too many doctors use when evaluating children’s scoliosis curves between 10° and 25°. Observation, Physiotherapy Scoliosis Specific Exercises (PSSE) and bracing for idiopathic scoliosis during growth are all therapeutic interventions accepted by the 2011 International Society on Scol...
What is Myofascia?
Diagram of Areas of use for Myofascial Release - Myofascial Release is an effective hands-on therapy which can directly change and improve health of the fascia. The purpose of Myofascial Release is to break down scar tissue, relax the muscle and fascia and restore good posture.
Fixing Achy Hips
In the treatment of hip pain a basic understanding of the relationship of iliosacral unleveling and foot posture is needed and massage therapists must have keen palpatory skills.