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112K views · 576 reactions | Ma nézzünk egy gyors mediterrán jellegű salátát ... Gyors ,tápláló meg van benne minden ami kell egy étkezéshez🌞 Hozzávalók ⬇️ - 150 g zöldbab - 3 burgonya (héjába főzve jobb ) - 1/2 lilahagyma - fél jégsaláta - koktélparadicsom - 3 tojás - 1 doboz tonhal - 80 g olajbogyó ————————— Öntet - 2 evőkanál extra szűz olívaolaj - só és bors - fél citrom leve - egy teáskanál méz -------------------- 👉🏻 Burgonyát , zöldbabot , főzzük,pároljuk . Tojást főzzük . Összeaprítjuk a hozzávalókat egymásra halmozzuk . Összekeverjük az öntetet. Locsolás Keverés Jóétvágyat 🥣 #mediterrán #könnyűrecept #diéta #reggeli #mutimiteszel_fitt #kalóriadeficit #egégyjóllegyéljól #Életmódváltás #egészségeséletmód #táplálkozás #tanácsadás #természetgyógyászat #inzulinrezisztenseknek ( csak héjába főt krumplival ) #AutoimmunBetegség #pajzsmirigyalulműködés | T-bolyultak
413K views · 2.9K reactions | Trucul genial care va schimba modul in care gatesti pieptul de pui! Ingrediente: piept de pui: 1.5 kg ceapă: 2 buc ciuperci: 500 g piper negru: 2 g sare: 4 g cartofi: 2 buc ouă: 1 buc smântână: 100 g mărar: 15 g cașcaval cheddar: 150 g | Savuros.TV
2.1M views · 13K reactions | When I made pork like this, everyone asked me for the recipe | When I made pork like this, everyone asked me for the recipe | By Recipe is easy | When I made pork like this, everyone asked me for the recipe. I have a one kilo piece of pork here. I'm going to start by slicing it like this. Once the meat is all sliced, we'll put the pork fillets next to each other. Here on this meat board, then cover with a plastic bag. I'm going to take a meat pounder and pound our pork fillets. Once that's done, we'll season with salt to taste. And black pepper to taste. Then turn the pork fillets over and season the other side. In the same way with salt to taste and black pepper to taste. I have three potatoes here and I'm going to cut them into slices of that thickness. Then once you finish slicing the potatoes, transfer them to a bowl and season. Add a teaspoon of salt. Black pepper to taste. A teaspoon of paprika and a generous drizzle of olive oil. Then stir well to add these seasonings to the potatoes. Once this is done, set it aside. Next, I'm going to cut two onions into slices of the same thickness. Now for the assembly pot. Take two barbecue sticks and we'll start by putting a slice of potato on each one. Once that's done, we'll add a slice of pork fillet here on the barbecue sticks. Also, add two slices of onion then a slice of bacon and look how simple and easy this assembly is and let's continue interspersing the layers. Here with the potatoes, the pork fillet again, the onions. And bacon and so on until the whole barbecue stick is filled. At this point, we lay down our barbecue stick to make it even easier to assemble. Now, let's get ready to bake. Cover a baking sheet with aluminum foil. It has to be a very large piece because we're going to fold the foil over. Now, place our stuffed pork here in the tin and add the rest of the leftover potatoes. Now, let's the aluminum foil and close our pork. Put it in the oven to bake at 200 degrees for an hour. And in the meantime, let's prepare a very special sauce. In a bowl, add three tablespoons of soy sauce, one tablespoon of ketchup. Two table spoons of honey and let's mix very well. Now our sauce is ready. And the oven time is over too. Let's remove the aluminum foil. Then pour our sauce over the pork. Once we've coated all the meat with the sauce, we'll bake it for 20 to 30 minutes. And that's it. Look how delicious it is. Now just serve it up. Uh now let's remove it from the barbecue stick. And look how perfect it is. This pork really is delicious. It was a huge hit here at home. I make this recipe at home too. Because everyone will love it. So that's it my loves. I hope you enjoyed it. And see you in the next video. Bye bye.
363K views · 2.8K reactions | If you have 1 cup of oats and 1 potato, make this healthy and delicious dinner in 15 minutes | If you have 1 cup of oats and 1 potato, make this healthy and delicious dinner in 15 minutes | By Simple Food - videos and recipes | Facebook
Now I don't fry or cook vegetables anymore! I only make this recipe! Useful and tasty! | Now I don't fry or cook vegetables anymore! I only make this recipe! Useful and tasty! | By Yummy RecipesFacebook
2.5M views · 16K reactions | Quando preparo il pollo in questo modo, non rimane più niente! | Ricette | Ricette · Original audio
Any vegetable is delicious when made like this! 😋❤️ | Any vegetable is delicious when made like this! 😋❤️ | By FoodzFacebook
Ági Fogyis, diétás recepttár, cukormentesen 🥘🍲🥗🍛🍜🍝 | Fogyás éhezés nélkül | Facebook
È così delizioso che ti fa venire voglia di mangiare tutti i giorni! Cena di cosce di pollo in padella! | È così delizioso che ti fa venire voglia di mangiare tutti i giorni! Cena di cosce di pollo in padella! | By RicetteFacebook
Finalmente ho trovato la ricetta perfetta per il petto di pollo! Semplice e veloce | Finalmente ho trovato la ricetta perfetta per il petto di pollo! Semplice e veloce | By RicetteFacebook
Questa è la migliore ricetta di pollo alla Stroganoff! Facile, veloce e delizioso! | Questa è la migliore ricetta di pollo alla Stroganoff! Facile, veloce e delizioso! | By BuonissimaFacebook