
29 Pins
Mobili Möbel
Promenade Samuel-de Champlain - Consortium Daoust Lestage + Williams Asselin Ackaoui + Option aménagement
Circuit of The Americas / Miró Rivera Architects
Circuit of The Americas / Miró Rivera Architects - Austin, TX
Gallery of Viewingtower at Vecht Riverbank / Ateliereen Architecten - 14
viewingtower - vecht riverbank - ateliereen
World's First Hyperboloid Lattice Shell structure in Polibino, Russia; Vladimir Shukhov was the first to invent hyperboloid towers; Novgorod Shukhov built the first steel lattice 121 feet tall tower in 1896 for an all-Russia industrial and art exhibition in Nizhniy; after the exhibition, the tower was moved to Polibino; photo by Arssenev
Top travel photos, May 17, 2013
A 40-metres-high spiral tower in the forest of Prora on the Baltic Sea island of Ruegen, northeastern Germany. The tower is part of a new 125 kilometre-long "Baumwipfelpfad" (tree top trail) through the mixed forest of the region. The project around a new natural heritage centre is scheduled to be finished at the end of May 2013.
Happy Lighthouse Day! 10 Unconventional Observation Towers And Seaside Beacons
Observation Tower on the River Mur Styria, Austria
Timber observation tower shaped like "a cucumber" by Mjölk Architekti
This 25-metre wooden lookout in the Czech Republic by Mjölk Architekti is named Cucumber Tower in an attempt to discourage association with phallic forms.
Csóványosi kilátó - TúraBázis
Elkészült a Csóványosi kilátó. A Börzsöny és egyben Nógrád megye legmagasabb pontján álló geodéziai mérőtornyot alakítottát át kilátóvá. #latnivalo #turabazis #csovanyos #diosjeno #nograd #szokolya #kospallag #nagyborzsony #kemence #borsosbereny #nagyoroszi