Anyák napja

466 Pins
Saját készítésű Anyák napi ajándék
Alapja karton, fehér papírra készített baba tenyérlenyomat díszíti, mely köré virágot rajzoltam tűfilccel
Saját készítésű Anyák napi ajándék
Alapja karton, fehér papírra készített baba tenyérlenyomat díszíti, mely köré virágot rajzoltam tűfilccel
It’s been so hard keeping this secret but I’ve been collaborating with @dharmatradingco to create a full length tutorial for you guys! 🫶🏻🫧 In the tutorial you will see the entire process from start to finish and all the supplies you need to create your own bubble tee. You can find the written instructions and full video on Dharma’s website - 🔗 on profile Can’t wait to hear what you guys think! Tag me if you decide to give it a try 🌈 & Thank you again to Dharma Trading Co. for this amazi...
Создание ботанического барельефа мастером My Hygge Home (Мария Спирина)
Процесс создания ботанического барельефа. Живые растения отпечатываются в глине, затем на глину ставится деревянная опалубка и заливается высокопрочный гипс.
Botanical Monoprinting Marsh Woundwort
Monoprinting Marsh Woundwort - Stachys palustris, also commonly known as hedgenettle. This will be a lovely addition to my print nature journal which will have to be bound in seasons I think. If you would like to have a go at this wonderful process, its a great activity for all ages there are some useful links on the website including links to materials and a little step by step guide.
from : Hawksby’ : Angela Harding : ‘ Cornish Swallows ‘ die cut card