borrowed light

Repentance is remembering that our light is as borrowed as is the light of the moon....Repentance is not just an event but a way of life; it's a daily acknowledgement of our total dependence on God.---Erwin Lutzer---from his book The Church in Babylon
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Art my Fire on Twitter: "" Wolf Moon. . . Winter Path " 📷: © Jim Crotty #Photography… "
maureen2musings:“ Moonlight rotro.ashish”
Found on via Tumblr Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money. ~Cree Proverb
Leafless Tree. by SpartanWarrior in dpreview Challenges
Click here for full size original image
Temptation Falls Behind The Clouds...Cruel To Offer Me Moonlight...That Only Glows Into Night...Where Death Snores So Loud...You Can Feel Her Dreams- Whilst She Howls! VICKIE THAYER~POETRY
Titled "Moon", also a lovely image of a frosty winter's night.