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Top 100 Party Songs @Amanda Snelson Taylor: might be a good list to pick from for your New Year's party:
The Ultimate Wake Up Playlist: Morning Tunes
The ultimate playlist to wake up and get started for the day! // https://misscaly.wordpress.com/2015/11/09/morning-playlist/ #inspiration #morning #wakeup
Learn How To Sing Better – Singing Tips and Karaoke Machine Reviews
Cleaning songs
The Pissed-Off Playlist That Will Channel Your Rage
Weirdly enough, instead of fueling my frustrations, listening to angry music actually is a way to let off steam and channel feelings in a positive way. Bottom line, angry music can sometimes make you feel better, so here's a playlist that's the ultimate soundtrack for a sh*tty day.
70 Sad Songs to Listen to When You Need a Good Cry
Sad Songs That Will Actually Make You Feel Better
61 Songs That Say "Everything Will Be OK"
A recent Reddit thread compiled the perfect list of songs that say, in one way or another, that everything will be OK. This playlist will make you smile and remind you that whatever is going on, it too shall pass.