
16 Pins
Oops, You Found the Unfound! | abdz
Paper illustrations and animations in the stop motion style have become very popular in the past couple of years. It's great to see the amazing projects but also it's even more amazing to see the huge amount of work behind them.
★ How to Make Puppets for Stop-Motion Animation | Jointed Limbs and Clay Art Doll Figures ★
How to Make Puppets for Stop-Motion Animation | Jointed Limbs and Clay Art Doll Figures ★ Squidoo
Public art installation called "I See What You Mean". It stands 40' tall with an exterior lapis lazuli blue coloring. Created by sculptor
Public art installation called
Cardboard Finger Puppets
Sunday school ideas. Cardboard Finger Puppets - Super cute and easy to make from old cereal boxes! via The Pink Door Mat
Les Animaux Finger Puppets - Etsy
Super cute Finger puppets! I will have to make these for the little ones!
This item is unavailable | Etsy
Mary, The Haunted Marionette. $1,000.00, via Etsy.
A Modern Valentine...
Paper theatres and puppets are beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. These are easily created with paper and string.
This item is unavailable | Etsy
Reserved listing for EvelynsWonderland by Elze on Etsy
Teatro de sombras * Brincadeira de antigamente !
Shadow Puppet Stage. Need translation but great images. http://www.estefimachado.com.br/2014/07/teatro-de-sombras-brincadeira-classica.html
How to Build a Simple Shadow Puppet Theater - Inner Child Fun
Build a Simple Shadow Puppet Theater and EASY shadow puppets -- great for encouraging lots of imaginative story telling fun!