Tufting rugs

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Hé! 👀 #tuften #tufting #textileart #textielkunst #textiel #wool #thread #garen #wandkleed #tufttheworld #tuftingart #tuftingmachine #smallbusiness #tufted #tuftingshop #kunst #art #design #handwerk #studio #atelier #tuftingeurope
Coussin Tetris Brown COLORTHERAPIS - multicolore | Made In Design
Décoration - Coussins - Coussin Tetris Brown / 45 x 45 cm - Laine tissée main - COLORTHERAPIS - Tetris Brown - Coton, Laine de Nouvelle-Zélande
My first stool set is live on my website! These little 12”x12”x11”H cubes are the bomb — easy to fit in your space yet give you a place to prop your feet or pop a squat. And they add so much character and fun! I’ve had a blast making these and love how they each are so unique. One of each is ready to ship to new homes now and I’m happy to take orders for more, even custom design yours. I’d love to hear which one is your favorite. Share in the comments! #stool #handmade #tufting #interiordesig...