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Charles Spencer Photostream
Princess Diana crown, she was beyond beautiful... so elegant
Which royal family has the most expensive tiaras?
The Queen wears The Grand Duchess Vladimir Tiara, which can be worn with pearl pendants or...
All regalia of Imperial Russia that are kept in The Diamond Fund, Kremlin, Moscow
Moscow Kremlin Museums
Diamond Crown. 1680- s. Belonged to Tsar Ivan Alekseevich, brother of Peter I The Great
Diamonds are a Queens best friend...
Emerald and diamond choker. (In Queen Elizabeth's Collection).
Duchess of Dazzle: How Camilla's amassed a treasure trove of jewels
Beautiful: Camilla first wore this ruby and diamond necklace in public in 2007...
The Queen's bling-bling of a jubilee! Priceless tiaras, necklaces and brooches. The ultimate diamond collection is revealed for the first time
Queen Elizabeth II
US Home | Daily Mail Online
Queen Elizabeth II in a tiara 'Vladimir' with diamonds and pearls. She is also wearing a fringe necklace with pear-shaped diamonds and the girandole earrings.
Duchess Camilla wearing a ruby and diamond necklace and earrings.
Portrait of Maria Feodorovna (Dagmar of Denmark) by Konstantin Makovsky (details).
The Queen Mary Emerald Choker
The divine Diana wearing: The Queen Mary Emerald Choker