
17 Pins
Radiant Design & Supply, Inc. Design and Supply
ThermoFin extruded aluminum heat transfer plates for radiant heating are used in this project for snow and ice melting on a roof. Free samples from radiantengineering.com.
Radiant Design & Supply, Inc. Design and Supply
This family remodeled an old home and added ThermoFin U heat transfer plates and a high efficiency boiler system, all from Radiant Engineering. They have not installed the finish flooring, but do-it-yourself projects are often lived in before they are completed.
Ideas for Designing a House with Solar Panel Roofing
These are not the best solution for adding to or replacing your current roof. But if you want a quick, attractive way to incorporate solar power into your house, solar canopies may be the answer. They are ideal for constructing patios or carport
Solar Canopies & Awning Systems Photo Gallery
Solar Canopies & Awning Systems Photo Gallery
Build A Solar Heater Out Of Pop-Cans
Build A Solar Heater Out Of Pop-Cans - Building your own DIY solar heater isn't as hard as it seems… with this ingenious method detailed by DR Drashco over at Freeonplate.com anyone can by using empty soda cans! Solar system solution shown on the can solar website served as inspiration to build “home-made” efficient diy solar panels.
15 Urban Survival Skills to Master before SHTF | Survival Life
Acquiring and Purifying Water | Urban Survival Skills That Could Save Your Life
Best Homemade Cleaners Recipes - The WHOot
These DIY Homemade Cleaners Recipes will save you lots of money and we have rounded up the best collection with plenty of Pinnable Charts.
1.7M views · 7.5K reactions | 4-ingredient Skincare DIYs | You can make natural skincare products at home with ONLY 4 ingredients! 😱 ✨ FULL INSTRUCTIONS: | By Goodful | Facebook
4 Easy Skincare DIYs // #selfcare #skincare #DIYs
1M views · 9.2K reactions | DIY Hair Masks 4 Ways | Here are 4 DIY hair masks with different benefits! Happy #SelfCareSunday! 💆🏽 FULL INSTRUCTIONS: http://bzfd.it/2kMpYLc | By Goodful | Facebook
4 Easy Hair Masks