VOLTRON:Legendary Defender

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look at 2011 Hunk why do Hunk and Lance look like that?
Voltron Trash 2
*Whispers* -Voltron has taken over my life- So we're back at it agai… #random #Random #amreading #books #wattpad
Shiro and the kids lolol look at his #notmyshiro hoodie
prin on X
Adam's friggin face gets me every time.
Voltron: Legendary Defender ** jasuemfan**
This is exactly the reason why I was thankful keith left the Blade. He didn't want to be the black paladin and it made him unhappy. If he were to be happy, even if it's getting him less screen time, I am happy too. As long as he's happy
asterein: ““To be brave is to go on in spite of fear. And that’s who you are, Hunk.” ”