❃lovely lotus❃

Different shapes, shades of blue, and other ideas for my next tattoo - a beautiful blue lotus! :) ~The blue lotus is a symbol of the victory of the spirit over the senses, of intelligence and wisdom, of knowledge. It is always represented as a partially opened bud, and (unlike the red lotus) its centre is never seen. It is the lotus of Manjusri, and also one of the attributes of Prajnaparamita, the embodiment of the 'perfection of wisdom'~
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Lotus~ Symbol of birth and enlightenment. Within each of us is the spirit of the sacred lotus. To begin as a tiny seed buried deep within the darkness, to make our way through the murky waters, to grow toward the light, to rise and become a perfect creation of life, To open to all that we can be in body, mind, and soul. Shedding earthly matters for a higher wisdom and inner healing, and blossom into something pure of heart and spiritually beautiful.
Sacred lotus stock vector. Illustration of lake, garden - 13242410
Sacred Lotus flower Royalty Free Stock Image