Természet / nature

502 Pins
Proč mě má maměnko, proč mě vodíváš, sem k té staré lípě, nač tu vzpomínáš. Na srdíčko z lásky v lípě vyryté kam hledí tvé oči slzou zalité...
♥♥ There is a place of mutuality...intimacy shared, from the awareness of innocence...where God is on display, for all to see. Praise be to God!! It was nothing BUT the blood of Jesus...My Living God.
Cyathus aff. striatus
Cyathus striatus / The birdnest fungi here shows the cups before and after they open. The new cups have a “mother of pearl” type sheen to them. Each cup is about 10mm across,
Mushroom of love by Alberto Ghizzi Panizza / 500px
Mushroom of love… <3
Macro photography (Cool Photography Nature)