100 Pins
Zesty Lemon Soap Recipe
Lemon Soap - DIY Soap Recipe - Rezept für erfrischende Zitronen Seife. Geschenkidee! #soap #Seife
Coconut Oil Shampoo Bar Recipe (Photo + Video Tutorial)
Coconut Oil Shampoo Bar Recipe - 33 oz. coconut oil, 12.54 oz. water, 5.32 oz. lye, ½ – 1 ounce essential oils (optional)
A Sweet Homemade Honeycomb Soap Recipe - Garden Therapy
How to Make Gorgeous Honeycomb Soap Bars Easily at Home
Loofah Soap Bars
These Loofah Soap Bars make perfect homemade gifts! (Unless you keep them for yourself!) #gift #DIY #beauty
Savon de Marseille by Fabio Zerbino / 500px
Savon de Marseille by Fabio Zerbino (not my soap, but I wish it was!). This is soap made the traditional French way.
Фото, автор peach-jam на Яндекс.Фотках
Kurz výroby mýdla | Mýdlotéka U Tří lilií
Kurz výroby mýdla
two days of wonderful woad
Pastel | Pastello | 淡色の | пастельный | Color | Texture | Pattern | Composition |
This item is unavailable | Etsy
If I ever need another hobby (yeah, right), it will be soap-making.
Banho e Sabonetes
Depósito Santa Mariah: Banho e Sabonetes
Istanbul week end
Soap: 1 euro is genoeg voor 1 kind om een maand zijn handen met zeep te kunnen wassen