
330 Pins
This may contain: a man doing a handstand on top of a blue mat
Have 2 minutes to spare? Try this routine!
You’ll feel energised and limber ready to attack the day! Recommend doing it first thing upon waking up :) If you felt good after this, uniting of you extended the routine to just 15 minutes! If you have 15 minutes to spare each day you will LOVE THIS! 👇🏼 For 50% off now, you can get my December mobility challenge! Full body mobility daily - suited for any level! ⏳ Link in bio and I’ll flick it to you right now! We start on Dec 1… Gift your self with NO STIFFNESS, this Christmas! 🎄
Start Transformation Now!
Reach muscle goals easily 💪 Stick to this simple plan to succeed: 1. Take a 1-minute quiz 📊 2. Get a personalized workout and meal plan based on weight, height, age, daily activity and fitness conditions 📲 3. Follow the program (easy-peasy) 😎
Start Transformation Now!
Reach muscle goals easily 💪 Stick to this simple plan to succeed: 1. Take a 1-minute quiz 📊 2. Get a personalized workout and meal plan based on weight, height, age, daily activity and fitness conditions 📲 3. Follow the program (easy-peasy) 😎
Strong from Within: Effective Core and Lower Body Exercises for a Powerful Physique
Ejercicios para adelgazar barriga en casa V.123 | CORE ABS 🙌💪🔥
Increíbles ejercicios para adelgazar barriga y perder peso. CORE ABS. Si quieres Tu puedes💪 Reducir Barriga. Crédito: @jessyarmani TikTok #ejerciciosparaadelgazarbarriga #ejericiosparaperderpeso #entrenamientoparaperderpeso #motivaciónparaperderpeso #fullbodyhiit #core #abs #gluteos #espalda #perderpeso #reducirbarriga #fullbody #brazos #runnig
3 Dimensional Shoulders
3 Dimensional Shoulders (3x10 each)(save,share,try) #fitness #shredded #exercises #fitnessmotivation #athomeworkout #dailyworkout #shoulderworkout #shoulderworkout tiktok:derickansah_